The spidermonkey
feeds principally on wild, pulpy and mature fruits, inside which ones there are
the seeds of more than half of the species of trees that shape the forest.
Every 2 hours, between 7 of the morning and 7 p. m., them consumes an average
of 30 fruits per minute and expels without digesting approximately 60 thousand
daily seeds.
THE spidermonkey
sophisticated machine is like some processor of food, since it swallows the
fruit entire they extract the nutriment to him and after using the seed as a
grinding agent of the pulp so that this one is more digestible expel it across
you excrete.
The seeds go out to the exterior world conditioned to
germinate, since the stomach acids are in charge of softening its exterior
layer, which sometimes is very hard. Also, on having happened for the large
intestine, they are impregnated with fecal matter, what it keeps removed to the
insects that could commit an outrage against the seed for germinating.
To complement its diet after to be no minerals excess
in the food in its natural habitat as the calcium potassium phosphorus magnesium
iodize zinc receive boron and selenium
between others the spidermonkey consumes
flowers and tender sheets and nests of ants and termites with suppressed
proteins high place and to be done of lipids like energy source they lay hands
on some species of the family of the Lauraceae like for example the avocado
which content of vegetable fat they store like reservation substance.
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