The spidermonkey lives in territorial groups from 6 to 30 individuals, who share an area from 90 to 250 hectares and look for meal in the trees during the day, to a height 15 m average, in sub-groups from 2 to 8 monkeys. They feed on fruits, seeds, sheets, crusts and wood.

As rare case between primates, the spidermonkey they tend to disperse in the puberty to join different groups, while the males remain in its original group. The females choose a couple of the group.

Both smell the genitals of the couple before the coitus. The hard gestation from 226 until 232 days after which there is born a baby, who during the first 4 months of life is next to the mother and then it returns with certain frequency next to you, acquiring independence little by little. A new baby is conceived every 3 years. The sexual ripeness of the species of primates of the monkey chandelier comes at the age of 4 or 5. They can live up to 20 years.

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