The spidermonkey it is a question of an animal of thin body, approximately 10 kilograms in weight at most, completely covered of rough and short black hair, except in the belly where the color is a clear brown.

They can measure 58 centimeters, but with the long prehensile tail that serves to him to take hold of the branches of the trees, easily it reaches 90 centimeters.
The feet of the spidermonkey look like rather a few hands of very long fingers, to which invariably they lack the thumb, since between the primates of the new world, this piece does not exist.

Also, the spidermonkey has quite developed canine teeth that even if they result to him from many utility at the time of eating. This monkey when laughs they print on the face an expression that rather looks like a satanic grimace, and probably this is the origin of the denomination of its species, belzebuth, one of so many people names that the tenant of the hell receives.

In contrast to all the primates that exist the spidermonkey does not possess thumb. A curious fact is that the genitals of the females are big and in the shape of pendulum and often they make a mistake with the penis of the males.

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